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Crystal Helm

Source Blood of the Sea pg. 20
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 24,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.


This clear, spherical helm resembles a giant bowl the wearer inverts over his head. Donning or removing the crystal helm requires a standard action, as an invisible magical film stretches across the opening of the bowl. If a creature dons a crystal helm on land, it immediately fills with salt water. If a creature dons a crystal helm underwater, it immediately fills with air. So long as the bearer can breathe water or air, respectively, the crystal helm allows the wearer to breathe normally. The contents of a crystal helm constantly replenish and do not leak out of the bowl. A creature that dons the crystal helm without knowing its power may be in for a shock.


Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, air breathingMC, water breathing; Cost 12,000 gp